As I, and others have recently pointed out, with the existence of a de facto criminal cadre in Ottawa those who hope to protect human rights and limit the arbitrary power of government will have to depend upon the Supreme Court of Canada. The Harpercons routinely flout the law, disregard lower court decisions, bend or break the rules of the House, condemn the facts wherever those facts contradict their ideology, smear and marginalize opponents (particularly whistle-blowers), attack principles of democracy, and break elections laws.
Today the Harpercon fascists lost a major court battle over the creation of a national securities regulator. The Court's decision was clear and unanimous - the Harpercon's efforts were once again unlawful, and this time more than simply unlawful, but unconstitutional. I don't know where I stand on the issue of a national securities regulator in principle. I have never spent the time to attempt to understand the issue properly. But the SCoC was very clear in their decision that such an effort would violate the constitution. And, given this government's corporatist history, I find it difficult to imagine that anything that they advocated could possibly be good for anyone but their corporate friends. Remember, it is the Harpercons that opposed most of Martin's banking controls and spoke vociferously in favour of the banking mergers that were prevented by the previous government.
This is one in a line of court decisions that will come down in the next few years that will place the Harpercon's fascist government squarely in the light of what they are - a criminal organization that is attempting to subvert the laws and principles of the country in order to remake it into an American style corporatopoly. Years from now, if we managed to save this country from the downfall which the Harpercons are precipitating, people will look back and wonder how it happened that a Criminal sat in the PMO, much like many Americans still wonder how a man like Nixon gained the White House.
A Post-Script to this story emerged a couple hours after I posted this blog-entry. Helena Guergis filed a suit against the Prime Minster, the Conservative Party and several other individuals claiming that the engaged in a conspiracy to discredit her. I know how Woodward and Bernstein must have felt - after a while this story just seems to write itself!
Katalog Dapur Aqiqah
1 year ago
They lost with Omar Khadr and the CWB but that doesn't seem to have affected their actions in any way shape or form.
Anonymous - No, they will not learn from their errors, but the more they lose these court cases the less credibility they will have and they will be a price to pay, literally and figuratively - by the end of their time in government they will have wasted many millions on court cases that they have lost, further eroding their credibility. And, who knows, maybe they eventually chose to pick a fight with the SCoC and precipitate a constitutional crisis and finally show their tyrannical hands to those swing-voters they need to win.
From what I've read, securities regulation in Canada is kind of a mess in general. That isn't to say that their proposed national regulator is the correct solution, but that it's something worth the government's time to look at.
One example is that naked short selling in Canada is worse than in the US. This is when you "sell" a stock, but neither own it, have borrowed it, nor have an option to buy it in the future. At the very least it's manipulation of stock prices by the big financial players. One case was TASER International, where tens of thousands more shares showed up to a shareholders meeting than had ever been issued.
From what I can see, there is some a need for some form of federal regulation but it is typical of this government to entirely fail to understand the constitutional issues involved or take seriously the objections of certain provinces. Like always, the Harpercons attempted to ram through their idea regardless of what anyone thought and they were forced to stop because what they were doing was unlawful. A good government would have brought the provinces together found some form of agreement that would work for everyone and saved money, time, and animosity.
Harper is a Reformer and a Neo-Nazi. He founded the Northern Foundation Party. The skinheads assisted Harper to organize his fascist party. This was in 1989.
I don't know how people manage to miss Harper's evil agenda. If you look at Hitler's early political days, Harper is a dead ringer. Number one is, control the media to be his propaganda machines. Building up his war machine. Rewarding his henchmen, for doing his dirty work for him. Same as Hitler did. Dictators need the criminal element working for them. Harper had the many times convicted American felon working for him. And of course, Gordon Campbell is Harper's favorite henchman. Harper is spending, absolutely billions on his Stalags, when the crime rate is down. Same as Hitler. Scientists are not permitted to publish their results, everything goes through Harper first. He had Guelph University stormed, to stop the students from voting. They even tried to steal the ballot boxes. Harper getting control of everything he can get his dirty hands on Even the Canadian Wheat Board.
Everything Harper is doing, I told friends and family, what he would do next. They scoffed at me. I haven't been wrong even once. Now they are scared. I said, that's what happened to the German people....They woke up, far, far too late.
Dear anonymous
I couldn't agree with you more!
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