Dear Ms Murray
Like many Canadians of all different political stripes, I got involved in the new open leadership process of the Liberal Party of Canada. Though my politics are considerably left of the LPC, I was still eager to support this experiment in democracy. In addition to my political curiosity at a new process of leadership election, I was also compelled to support you for the position of leader. My inclination to lend you my support had a number of motives including the call from environmental activist David Suzuki. Furthermore, I think gender equality in politics is important to our future and the last thing we need is another white man in a suit leading a federal political party, particularly at a time of such diversity. The concepts of political compromise and cooperation, as well as sustainability are also very important to me and you have been the only candidate for the Liberal Party leadership that has really discussed such issues. Even if my personal politics tend toward being significantly left of the present incarnation of the Federal Liberal Party, I would see the election of a leader who promotes greater democracy and cooperation as a good thing for all Canadians, regardless of their political positions.
However, despite these important issues I must admit that I am in something of a quandary regarding the leadership race. I admit to being deeply disturbed by the fact that you once sat in the cabinet of Gordon Campbell. With the exception of the present Harper Government, I consider the Liberal Party dynasty of Campbell/Clark to be the closest thing to a criminal organization in Canadian Politics today. The BC Liberal Party's concerted attack on organized labour, their disregard for collective bargaining and human rights in general, as well as their shocking distain for protection of the environment make the current Liberal Party of BC a fundamentally anti-democratic party that is so wrapped up in the current global corporatism (which is, at its core, both anti-human and anti-humane) that any association with this government really should render someone unfit to serve in a political capacity. Just as I believe that the entire Federal Leadership of the Conservative Party belongs in prison rather than the House of Commons, due to their attack on democracy, the environment, and human rights; I aslo believe that the BC Liberal Party and those who have served in it belong on trial for what constitutes various crimes against humanity.
Thus, though I would like to see a woman at the helm of a Federal Political party, and though you speak well (and I hope honestly) about political cooperation and reform, as well as sustainability, I suspect that I will be compelled to disengage from the Liberal Party's new experiment in democracy given your close political association with a criminal such as Gordon Campbell. Campbell and Clark represent everything that you claim to distain in politics, they play dirty politics at every level and have a depressing disregard for political, human, and labour rights. Though the political line of scrimmage has admittedly shifted to the right over the past generation, this shift cannot stand in our way of pursuing principles that have long been recognized as important not only in Canada but internationally. The current attack on such things as the Rand Formula, (by Federal Conservatives as well as BC Liberals) demonstrate a disregard for the very rights we should be standing up to protect. Speaking up for sustainability and cooperation is all good and well, but such a political effort must include recognition of the various ways that multi-national corporations (with the assistance of political parties) are attacking the environment as well as the rights and future prosperity of working people. Environmental sustainability means nothing without the recognition of workers rights and prosperity against the backdrop of ever expanding corporate profits. Thus, if you really believe in the principles you so glibly pontificate about in the public sphere, you surely must condemn leaders like Campbell and Clark who are diametrically opposed to such principles. Furthermore, before we can believe that you really stand for such principles you must explain to voters how you could sit in the cabinet of such an immoral anti-democrat.
Katalog Dapur Aqiqah
1 year ago
Wow, that is harsh. By the same logic, you should not associate with any of your neighbours or friends who ever voted or supported Campbell. Actually, this is a very negative and extreme approach to politics. You are not judging Joyce based on her merits, actually, you are specifically stating that her merits are trumped by any degree of association with someone you do not like. Why do you bother to think about and write about issues if they simply do not matter to you?
Dear Bluegreenblogger - What in my post would possibly lead you to believe that the issues "simply do not matter" to me?
Furthermore, I don't believe it is harsh at all. Murray was in the cabinet (IN THE CABINET!!!) of a man who is further right than Harper and yet she claims to want to replace Harper because he supposedly represents all that she opposes!!! He wasn't her neighbour, he was the man she chose to follow politically. You need to take some lessons in logic you jackass. Something rings hollow here. And not to belabour the point but her merits or demerits include who she followed politically and why.
Hmm, juxtapose these two excerpts from your post:
"The concepts of political compromise and cooperation, as well as sustainability are also very important to me and you have been the only candidate for the Liberal Party leadership that has really discussed such issues." and "With the exception of the present Harper Government, I consider the Liberal Party dynasty of Campbell/Clark to be the closest thing to a criminal organization in Canadian Politics today." plus "Just as I believe that the entire Federal Leadership of the Conservative Party belongs in prison rather than the House of Commons, due to their attack on democracy, the environment, and human rights; I aslo believe that the BC Liberal Party and those who have served in it belong on trial for what constitutes various crimes against humanity." , plus of course the fact that anybody who criticises you is naturally 'a jackass'. But hey, it's your blog, you can ramble just as incosistently as you want. Just do not expect you readers to agree that you are some kind of enlightened lover of political compromise and co-operation, when you rant that Liberals and Conservatives alike all belong in prison.
Indeed, "jackass" was uncalled for. You caught me at a bad moment and for that I apologize.
The thrust of the blog still stands. If you have made a career out of following criminals and political hacks who actively attempt to destroy human rights and democracy, then you have some explaining to do. A moment of anger, to which we are all prone to at one time or another, deserves and apology. Sitting in cabinet under a criminal who seeks to destroy human rights, democracy, and the environment, deserves a rather in-depth explanation and presumably significant contrition.
By the way, one can be in favor of political compromise and cooperation - but dictators who buy elections, destroy democracy, and actively attempt to disenfranchise a population are not included in the compromise or cooperation. I see no moral or ethical problem here. Fascism is not included in my scope of political cooperation.
And yes, my dear, I still believe you need lessons in logic as both you comments demonstrate. Have a nice day and smile wherever you go.
This must be self-parody. I mean, who in this day and age judges a person solely on their past or happenstance associations, and not on their *actions* since or during?
No one, because no one is that stupid. And we all know you're not stupid, Kirby. So, joke's up. Come on out.
Hi Kirby. I'm working for Joyce Murray's campaign, so just let me get that out of the way up front.
I would offer you the following items to think about.
Read this column by a B.C. opinion writer who has known Joyce over the tenure of her involvement on the provincial scene and the federal scene which speaks of an evolution in learning to trust her political instincts:
I'd also point to the fact that as Environment Minister (goes by another name in B.C.) in the Campbell government, she was recognized for her work by the Sierra Club:
She's a lifelong environmentalist, her business career has been devoted to building a reforestation company over 35 years. She's earned the endorsement of Mark Jaccard, noted economist and climate change advocate. Here he is in 2008 on her record in the Campbell government: And see:
And as you know, she earned the support of David Suzuki as well. Such statements of support don't come to those who are pretenders.
Finally, her policies that she's put forth for consideration in this race are the best way to judge her here and now. She's steeped in public policy and pays careful attention to every word she's put forth.
Hope that is helpful and it would be great to have your support. Every vote is going to count in this race.
@kirbycairo: Are you from BC? I ask because I am and my view of Campbell vs. Harper differs from yours. While the two men were cozy in areas, it was Campbell who introduced BC's carbon tax, which the majority of BCians, including myself, support. He was also instrumental in moving forward First Nations treaties.
So, no, while I didn't vote for or support the BC Liberal government back when Gord Campbell led it (nor now, with Christy Clark), I think it incorrect to put Campbell further right of Harper. It's quite the reverse.
Also, the BC Liberals also had two referendums on electoral reform. Although the level of support required to pass was more then what it should have been, it is still better then what most governments have done.
@Kyle H. "Who in this day and age judges a person solely on their past or happenstance associations, and not on their *actions* since or during?
No one, because no one is that stupid."
First of all, I would have to reiterate Kirby's statement that being a cabinet member is not a happenstance association. Second, politicians must account for their political choices, how else are we to trust them? It seems that Kirby is asking for explanation - that seems fair to me.
@Chrystel Ocean
As you are from BC, where I have lived for many years myself, I understand that environmental issues can take precedence to all others - but a few green acts shouldn't cloud our memory of Campbell's politics.
@Nancy Leblanc (and @bluegreenblogger)
It sounds to me like Kirby already has a sense of Joyce Murray's strengths; like many others, I normally steer clear (left) of the LPC, but I have registered as a supporter of the party for the specific purpose of giving my vote to her - it seems fair to me for Kirby to ask for some clarification on where she stands in regards to labour issues, for example, based on this history, and those of us who intend on voting for her deserve to hear her response.
- V.
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