I am amazed by the relative silence on the blogoshere concerning the Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin's report concerning events at the G20. This is an amazing report. I have never seen anything like it in Canadian politics. Not only did Mr. Marin say that the law used by the Government to control the population is illegal but he said that this led to the most extensive violation of human rights in Canadian history! This is huge! The Government of Ontario secretly enacted an illegal and unconstitutional law which in Marin's exact words lead to "a massive compromise in civil liberties." What was particularly disturbing was the suggestion that the Toronto Police were so out of control that the OPP and the RCMP were attempting to distance themselves from them. Really! A police force so full of violent impulses that the RCMP is afraid of them??!! That is truly frightening. This report and the failure of any level of government to respond to it, clearly demonstrates that we are caught in a police state and that the charter has been so dramatically compromised that it has lost all meaning. Of course this report will lead to billions of dollars lost for the Ontario government for false arrest, violations of civil liberties, and for wonton violations of the constitution. But that is years away.
The federal justice minister should immediately issue warrants for the arrest of Bill Blair, Mr. McGuinty and several of his cabinet ministers but the government should also convene a federal judicial panal of important jurists and human rights activists to make recommendations to the federal government on how the Charter of Rights can be redeemed after such a violent and outrageous compromise. This is really it folks. Unless unique and unprecedented steps are taken now to arrest those responsible and enact some federal laws to ensure that such an event could not happen again we might as all well just all move to Burma for all that our civil rights will be worth. If you don't realize now that you live in a police state and that you can be arrested at anytime without charge or without the protection of the Great Writ, then you are foolish and nieve.
Katalog Dapur Aqiqah
1 year ago
I don't think passing an unconstitutional regulation is a criminal offense, however it arguably is a criminal offense for the police officers who implemented the regulation.
A special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate police actions during the G20. This investigation would be huge in scope involving potentially thousands of crimes, hundreds of suspects, few to none of whom will cooperate, and ten of thousands of witnesses to interview including everyone who lives downtown or visited downtown that weekend.
More federal laws probably won't make a difference because the Charter of Rights overrides any law or regulation, anyway, but it seems it did little to help.
Obviously the Conservative Federal government won't do anything because they care even less about rights then the Provincial Liberals.
The criminal offence I was thinking of would be conspiracy to violate citizen's human rights. But you are right, no one will do anything.
And so we slip a little closer to tyranny.
Conservatives aren't talking about it because they aren't favorably disposed towards rioters (and there were rioters present).
Progressives aren't talking about it because Toronto is mostly a progressive town with (at the time) a progressive mayor. It's embarrassing to acknowledge that maybe the Calgary Police Service does a better job at protecting citizens' rights.
Hello kirbycairo, Kim here. Apparently Mr. Blair is planning a press conference from Victoria BC. WTF? Could he possibly get any further away from his audience?
The actions from the G20 affect us all. The Olympics were the training exercise. They got away with stealing 1 billion of taxpayers money, they made huge aquisitions in civil weaponry, they had several training exercises in police state tactics, to facilitate desensatisation in police and military troops towards riot control tactics.
The G20 was the test run, the shot across the bow. With the help of the MSM, they are getting away with it. The internet is next. Then, the full on police state.
Hello Kim, I fear that is what we are facing now. But just as the citizens in the lead up to European fascism were either in favor or simply too complacent, our population will just let it happen.
Fear not, my friend, we will overcome. Bookmarking...
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