It is becoming increasingly clear and ominous that not only was the PMO involved in a bribery cover-up, and not only has the Prime Minister been consistently lying to the Canadian people, but that the RCMP has been acting at the behest of the Prime Minister. Michael Harris has written a great article today about the systematic way in which the Prime Minister has made lying central to his time in office.
But what he only touches upon, and what is becoming increasingly disturbing is the obvious way in which the RCMP has been acting as a branch of the PMO. When it was first revealed that Duffy was going to be facing bribery charges but Nigel Wright was not, the country did a collective double take. How could, we all wondered, a bribe be taken if a bribe wasn't given. When people wondered publicly about this strange contradiction, the Commissioner Bob Paulson assured us that it would all become clear in time. However, no explanation has ever been forthcoming, and anyone with any sense can smell a rat here. And now that the extent of the conspiracy has been made clear in court, this smells worse than ever.
There is, in other words, more than one conspiracy here. There are the ones that took place in the PMO, one to pay off Duffy's expenses and hide where the money came from, and the other to interfere with the audit. But the other, more ominous conspiracy, and the one few people are really talking about (and no one in the MSM) is the RCMP conspiracy to insulate the Prime Minister and the PMO from the full extent of the original wrong-doing. Harper's lawyer, Benjamin Perrin gave a sworn statement concerning the extent of those who knew of Wright's payment to Duffy. He had no conceivable motivation to lie about it, he just told what he knew. He then confessed to being shocked that the RCMP had ignored that information and publicly reiterated the PM's line that only Wright and Duffy knew of this conspiracy to pay off the money and then mislead the public into thinking Duffy had paid his own expenses. If the RCMP was, in fact, still an independent expression of the law, at the very least Wright would have been charged with bribery. But, more importantly, a raft of conspiracy charges would also have been laid.
It is now obvious to anyone who choses to look without a partisan eye that this country has been compromised in the most sinister, banana-republic fashion - the federal police force has lost its independence at the very highest level and become the plaything of the Prime Minister. They have intentionally ignored the real nature of the conspiracies inside the PMO and exonerated the people involved, all to avoid harming Stephen Harper. One can only imagine the real reasons that they even charged Mike Duffy. One must assume it was an effort to appear not entirely corrupt and to give the PM the ammunition to say that he had taken "appropriate action." Make no mistake, this makes all other national scandals in Canada pale in comparison. When you can't rely on the law enforcement system to act independently, when the Prime Minister and his cronies are above the law, that's when you know that the country is in deep, deep trouble. One can only hope, if Harper losses the election (and actually decides to voluntarily give up power and not stage some sort of coup) that the next Prime Minister will gut the management of the RCMP and begin a new unbiased investigation into the depth of this conspiracy. Otherwise, all really is lost.
Katalog Dapur Aqiqah
1 year ago
An excellent post, Kirby.
I just did a post on the RCMP role in Wright-Duffy. The writing was on the wall when the investigation began that this was going to be a political investigation, suggesting it would lead to a political prosecution, the type of conduct that brings justice into disrepute and gets defendants acquitted under the Charter of Rights.
That the investigation might be bent came early on when someone leaked an email from commissioner Bob Paulson to all his senior officers absolutely forbidding any of them to have any contact with MPs or Senators without prior approval. The office that would evaluate any requests was under the joint control of the RCMP and then public safety minister, Vic Toews.
Paulson's leaked email went so far as to have a "loose lips sink ships" remark expressing concern that talking could damage the government.
The fact that the email was leaked to CBC certainly suggests that one of those senior officers wanted to warn the media that the political hooks were in and they went all the way up to the commissioner's office.
Well before the RCMP "cleared" Wright, an Ottawa Tory friend told me that Wright was making the rounds telling prominent Conservatives that he wasn't going to take a fall for Harper. In other words Wright seemed to be putting everyone on notice that if he was going down, he was going to take the others with him. Taking Wright off the hook was the only way to take the others, presumably including Shifty Steve, off the hook.
The next PM will have to gut the ma the heads of every government department,agency and public corporation. EVERY department.
Good post KC
Your absolutely right Kirby and your analysis of the extent and seriousness of the corruption is one of the best I've read. Perrin also said he was shocked when he didn't see Novak's name on the List of names that the RCMP compiled of people who knew about Wright's 90k cheque, given to Duffy. Connecting the dots regarding Harper, the PMO, the senate and the RCMP colluding in this cover-up is truly astounding. Mound also made a crucial point when he said that the reason the RCMP did not charge Wright is that ultimately it would have taken Harper down. I agree with you that this cover-up will be shown to be one of the worst in Canadian history. It is the role, in protecting Harper that the RCMP played that should be very disturbing to Canadians and they should be demanding an investigation. If the electorate gives Harper a majority in Oct. they are literally saying do what you want, we do not care.
Good piece, kirby. Nice to see you're still at it.
.. who is the liar in The Harper Government... ? From the very very top came orders for Kory Tenycke's statement that Ray Novak neither opened the critical email from Nigel Wright or remained in Wright's office when he disclosed he would personally cut Duffy a cheque. This information or excuse had to originate or come from Ray Novak, but who ordered and approved the public statement? Benjamin Perrin's sworn statement to RCMP and his testimony in court now disputes the Novak claim as nonsense. We have Perrin in court and we have Ray Novak scurrying around in buses & campaign jets with PM Stephen Harper, refusing comment & avoiding any media.
Of course, there is conspiracy within conspiracy.. layers of it... and binders full of emails documenting it.. but the secretive aspects of the RCMP interactions with The Harper PMO or Ray Novak, Nigel Wright or PM Harper may reflect Obstruction of Justice, more coverup, and treachery in the highest circles of Public Service and Public Office. The Immaculate Deceptions of Stephen Harper ...
I suspect that they didn't charge him in exchange for his testimony at the Duffy trail and they say Duffy as the bigger fish, seeing as he has many other charges and the money was only to get him to get him to do the right thing.
They have a lot of descetion about who to charge.
Former Republican Speaker of the House Denny Hastert was charged concealing cash withdrawals because he was paying extortion money. They choose not to charge the extortionist because it seems Hastert is alleged to have sexual abused him decades ago.
Sadly, especially with my family history with the RCMP, I cannot disagree in the slightest. I was in agreement with MoS back when this started out on the same points and what it all meant, and I hated having to agree, but ugly reality is what it is. The top echelons of the RCMP have clearly decided to play partisan games despite their clear mandate and duty to stay away from such, and they have sided with the Harper CPC in ways that arguably go back to the fall of the government of Martin with the release of that "investigation" into Goodale, an unprecedented act in an election in itself, and the key element/moment which started the slide which cost the Martin Libs that election and first brought Harper to power.
This is something I rarely speak much to because of the levels of rage it triggers for me, because of said family history this is more personal for me than perhaps for some, and I feel family honour being stained by the actions of this leadership. The the family members directly connected are since dead and managed to miss seeing this happen by a few short years does not make this any the less difficult for me to maintain my usual relative detachment about. I dislike doing political commentary with my rage dictating first instead of my intellect, another reason why I would never make a good NA movement conservative I suppose..
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